Last month, as we tackled how Sustainability is quickly becoming an integral part of business growth and planning, we talked with Tyler Kanczuzewski about our business planning and strategies. The idea of a guiding set of principles by which to lead your business came to the forefront in that conversation. As we continue this conversation, I’d like to share with you the guiding principles at Syncovate. Let’s begin with our North Star.
The North Star of Syncovate, LLC is :
This North Star falls in line with the enduring lessons of consulting psychology. As a business psychologist my goal is to apply my years of psychological expertise and experience to help individuals, families, teams, and workplaces operate more effectively.
This is also the theme of the upcoming 2024 Annual APA division conference for Consulting Psychology. We provide unique value to our clients, based on our education, experience, and skills that combine work with human relationships, evaluating systems, and facilitating meaningful change. I will share more this month about our upcoming conference, what I’m speaking about, and how you can benefit from this work as well.
All of our other core values flow from the inspiration of this North Star value. Let’s break them down one by one.
Maintain a Creative Learning Mindset. When we work on developing a body of research we learn first-hand that failure is part of the learning process. If we get too wrapped up in failure and fear, it stunts our ability to learn. We have to be willing to experiment to learn, and to start over if necessary.
Would you like to work on your North Star values as a brand, a company mission, or for your self as a business leader? I am excited to help you through this challenging, fun, exciting process! Let’s work together!
The Journey of Women’s Basketball and the Wage Gap Debate
Our values guide our decision making and shape our culture.
A conversation about sustainability with Tyler Kanczuzeewski
He said, “Why do you care if people like you or not?”
When you work on team development, your business also grows and transforms.
It’s time to consider bringing on a Business Psychology Consultant…